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Our latest project began when a discerning client discovered our work on the BIID website and was immediately impressed. Seeking to transform their master bedroom, which was currently serving as a playroom for their children, they enlisted our expertise for the design and supply of a master dressing room.

The challenge was to maximize the space within the angled walls of the room while incorporating essential features such as dresser desks and storage for a coffee machine, ensuring a seamless transition from playroom to functional dressing area. Precision measurements were crucial to strike the perfect balance between storage capacity and freedom of movement.

We meticulously crafted the wardrobe internals to match the client’s selected veneer, using sycamore veneer that was bookmatched and sealed in a clear high-gloss lacquer. Shaker-style doors with a flush-mounted wallpaper center added a touch of sophistication to the design. Internally, LED lighting was fitted to illuminate the wardrobe contents upon opening the doors, enhancing both functionality and aesthetics.

Drawing inspiration from Laura Hammett interior designer projects found on the website, we tailored the design to suit the client’s preferences, ensuring a seamless integration of their vision into their living space.

The client was delighted with the final result, particularly appreciating the bespoke bed with two bedside tables that perfectly complemented the dressing room. We’re honored to have been entrusted with bringing their vision to life and look forward to creating more inspired spaces in the future.


To get in touch, please email us with your sketches, ideas, design specifications or initial drawings to obtain an estimate or call us to discuss your project in detail.

+44 (0) 0118 934 9424

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